can dogs drink herbal tea

Answering the question, can dogs drink herbal tea?, is dependent upon both type and quantity consumed. While most herbal teas can be safely administered to dogs in moderation, it’s wise to become acquainted with what ingredients are contained in each tea so as to make informed decisions regarding its inclusion in your pet’s diet. It would also be advisable to speak to your veterinarian regarding possible health benefits of certain herbal teas.

Herbal teas are created using leaves, flowers, roots, seeds or bark from plants to provide medicinal properties that may provide numerous health benefits, including soothing an upset stomach and aiding digestion. Common examples of herbal tea include chamomile, peppermint, echinacea and rooibos tea; however it’s wiser to avoid caffeine-containing varieties which could prove dangerous to dogs in large doses.

Caffeine can lead to rapid heart rate, nervousness and irritability in dogs. It may even contribute to dehydration and low blood pressure in some. Therefore, it’s wise to limit how much caffeine they consume and opt only for herbal teas that do not contain caffeine.

Some herbal teas may also contain tannins, which bind with dietary fiber and prevent absorption of essential nutrients. An excess of tannin may also increase digestive system acidity and increase risk for stomach irritation and inflammation.

Herbal teas can be extremely toxic to dogs. Their severity and symptoms depend on factors like type, amount and duration ingested as well as size, health and period in their system. If your pup may have consumed an unsafe quantity of herbal tea, seek medical assistance immediately from either their veterinarian or poison control center.

If the herb is toxic, your veterinarian may administer medication to flush away its effects and restore equilibrium to your dog’s system. Treatment could include gastrointestinal antacids, fluid resuscitation and supportive care to monitor vital signs and avoid shock.

Essiac Tea, one such herbal beverage marketed for its purported anti-cancer properties, has come under scrutiny due to varying claims regarding its efficacy and safety. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of Essiac tea remains unproven with only limited evidence supporting its anticancer claims; furthermore its ingredients such as burdock root, slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel roots and Indian rhubarb having scientifically been demonstrated as effective in treating cancer or any other illness.